
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Finished, Started, and Rearranged!

Woohoo - I made this rather rash statement on my Facebook page recently... "I have a do-able list of goodies to make this weekend and have set myself a challenge to finish them, and photograph & post for your feedback by Tuesday - and now I've said it out loud, I have to keep to it"

No pressure there!!

But thankfully, the planets aligned and despite deciding to completely overhaul my storage drawers and set up a dedicated 'creating' space at the same time - I was also able to complete these new pieces ....

and start these ....

My new making space...

Have a great week everyone :)


  1. I love the top one!! And the blue one too, they're gorgeous :)

    1. Thanks Brownwen - I'm certainly on a 'making' roll!

  2. WOW! The last one you have made looks incredibly complicated and I am so interested to see more of it! Your work is amazing Mel.

    1. I'm working on it right now Louise! Just sat here and stared at it for 10 minutes mentally preparing myself to do the fiddly bit at the top. I was nervous for nothing it seems, it went like a dream :), now on to stabilising and prettifying with some finishing touches ;) (and thank you!)

  3. The spiraly-bits (that's a technical term in case you were wondering) on the pendants are really cool.

    Your new making space must be in just the right place to get the creative juices flowing :-)

    1. Spiraly-bits sounds a most impressive technical term Gill - I like it :).

      You're absolutely right, I think a big part of it is the window and my leafy, birdy view!

  4. Loving that first one, so delicate Mel, cheers Marie


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