
Monday, May 14, 2012

My Favourite Things this month...

Last year I featured monthly 'Just a Minute' posts.  Changing it up a bit, I thought I'd like to do a variation on the theme and do 'My Favourite Things ...'.  Kicking it off this month, these are the things that I'm currently enjoying....


 Here's one for the dairy, gluten, and processed sugar avoiders - An amazing Chocolate 'cheesecake' recipe was recently posted by my creative friend, Alex, of The Adventures of Alex O and Co's blog and is a 'raw food' dessert that tastes amazingly good - I decided to make it as part of a dinner for my mum on mothers day, and it was ideal for hubby (who doesn't do dairy, and me (who can't eat gluten) - and even our 8 and 12 year old boys who aren't that fussed about desserts, absolutely scoffed it down. You will notice there is ... ahem.... a scoop of icecream on the plate which may have helped get them started, but they were right in once they realised how good it was!!  You can find the recipe here.  I think the base is so versatile it could also be made into little balls and rolled in nuts or fair trade dark chocolate too for a nice sweet treat.

 My Website colour is now on the background colour on the reverse of my business cards - love, love, love!



This quote is painted on the side of a two storey building down Byron Street in Napier .  Many of the streets in Napier were named after the colonial era of the British Indian Empire, eg Hyderabad Road.  And the Commissioner of Crown Lands in 1854, Mr Alfred Domett displayed his literary preference by naming many inner city streets after famous artists and literary figures, eg Byron Street, Tennyson Street, Browning Street, Hershell Street - I love this interesting fact and that someone has taken the time to have a quote sign-written in such beautiful calligraphic style.  My youngest son just loves that there is a street 'named after him' - yeah ...  ok!!

These recent new additions to our family have given us lots of love and laughs so far - Jazmin (the grey tabby) shows absolutely no interest in my wire and beads.  Teggs (the black and white number) on the other hand can't resist and I have had to 'kitten proof' my work area.  Often they'll cuddle on the couch at night and this particular night Jazzie helped no end by anchoring Teggs down and keeping him well away from the temptation of wiggling jewellery wire!!

Have you got any favourte things you'd like to share?

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