
Monday, May 28, 2012

Creative Cues in Nature!

Originally written as my contribution to New Zealand Handmade, I wanted to share this one with my own blog readers too!..

I've always been of the opinion that you can find creative cues everywhere in nature, but imagine my surprise to find a very obvious one while out walking around a local Estuary/wildlife area with my two school-age sons recently ...
You expect the beautiful views over the Pandora Estuary looking towards Napier Hill

And this time without the railings of the previous photo!

But do you expect a 'How to Draw Birds' step by step notice in the middle of the walkway.... umm, I didn't!!
Next time we go we know to bring some paper, pencils, and something to lean on!!  We could draw it off this photo but that would be minus the fun of being outdoors, in the bird's actual environment wouldn't it?

Are there any creative/educational learning opportunities out 'in the wild' where you live?


  1. What a serendipitous find, Mel! Really great, and what a beautiful spot:) Bye for now Jane

  2. Great stuff - Good to see creativity being encouraged out in the environment we often take for granted. Kudos to whoever came up with this initiative.

    1. Indeed Andy - and note the bird carving on the right of the photo - I want to see the 'how to' for that!

  3. Wow! I have had several requests for bird beads but I just didn't know where to start with drawing a bird. Maybe I could practice this and apply it to glass? Unfortunately I will have to sit in front of the computer and use your photo because I haven't come across anything like this on my nature walks :)

    1. Haha Bobbie - I think I have another photo if that one isn't close enough for you to start bird sketching! And bird beads would be amazing :)


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