Listening to...
Foo Fighters .... 13 more sleeps :)
Ice Bar Co's iceblocks (yeah, I know you don't strictly 'drink' an iceblock!) Have you tried them? OMG, sooo good. My fav is Old Fashioned Lemonade, closely followed by Ginger Beer.
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People. One of my favourite things to do at markets - watching peoples reactions as they look at items on my stall, the way different people shop - some like interraction and to engage with the seller, some prefer to be left alone until they've made their decision.
The busyness of this time of year.
To be organised in what I do in my 'making' time. The lead up to Christmas with increased sales and commitments can be chaotic and I have a terrible habit of intending to make one thing, eg a necklace, and then making something completely different, eg 5 pairs of earrings!!
My stall setup for Fruit Bowl Craft Jam ... this weekend Saturday, Starry Starry Craft 5-9pm, Sunday, The Morning (cr)after 10am-2pm at the Opera House, Hastings - such a great event, can't wait!
Well that was a round up of my happenings for this month. Don't forget to pop a comment on this post if you decide to do your own ‘Just a Minute …’ post - I'd love to read yours :).

I must try those ice blocks, Mel they look real tasty, cheers Marie