Thursday, July 28, 2011

Things with Wings

It's funny the things that inspire.  A glance out of my lounge window this week and I noticed birds swooping in and out of a crab apple tree still holding fruit at the end of our driveway. 

It's inspired me to create a limited range of 'things with wings' simple wire pendants such as this butterfly.  Watch this space for more :)

You can just see the bare branches but still fruit filled crabapple tree (centre right)

This week's interesting jewellery related fact:
The word 'necklace' comes from the latin word 'laqeus' which means noose - yikes!


  1. Wings are so beautiful aren't they? And we are surrounded by them, us lucky people in NZ. The bush is wonderful. Love your interesting trivia!

  2. Kiaora! What part of Aotearoa are you in?


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