
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Out of Balance!

I'm unbalanced ... seriously, I am!  But not in the way you might think :)

I discovered by accident when I started wearing sunglasses regularly in my late teens that my right ear is quite a bit lower than my left.  I must admit it did take me a while to figure out why my glasses were always on a lean! 

Apparently it's pretty common to not be symmetrical, which does make me feel a little better :)

So apart from looking wonky when I wear sunglasses the only other thing it affects is earrings - oh yes, one definately looks longer, but lets face it - who sits/stands bolt upright regularly unless you're in the armed forces right?

Generally I don't worry about it, forget about it even, but every so often I will make a pair of earrings that's a bit longer on one side, add an extra jump ring or, like my current favs below, I'll use a shell or component that is a bit longer for one of them.

If you're symmetrically ah... different... like me, don't be afraid to ask your fav jewellery designer to work their magic and tailor-make something to suit you :)


  1. What a great idea Mel. I have kinda have the same problem except mine is because the holes in my ears are wonky!

    1. Oh that's another one I see a bit of Kate - I had one poor customer who had one piercing that had been done on such an odd angle earrings with a post faced in a completely different direction - I'm sure the person that did her piercings was distracted when doing that ear!!

  2. How great, that one can custom an order to suit, lovely idea, cheers

  3. What beautiful eyes you have! It's nice to know someone else is wonky. I have a wonky nose, a little - it goes to the left, and my mouth to the right. It's very subtle but it's there! I guess these quirky things make us unique, right? I love your new earrings!

    1. You're absolutely right Louise - it's the quirky things that make us unique!! And I think it may have been the 'effect' I chose on that photo as my eyes are more grey than blue - whoops!

  4. They're lovely, Mel! My husband has wonky ears too, although I only notice that because of his glasses not because of dangly earrings, lol! I actually have three "pairs" of unmatched earrings, and I love them just because they're different. One is a sun and a moon, which I persuaded a street market seller to sell me as a pair from two matching sets he had, one is a tea cup and tea pot, and the other is a very unusual pair with one designed to actually sit over the ear, apparently based on an ancient Egyptian design.

    1. What a fab idea Bronwen - I LOVE unmatched earrings - would you send me a pic of you and your tea cup/tea pot? They sound great!

      I did a course with a silversmith and she was wearing gorgeous silver abstract 'wings' on one ear, and the word 'flight' on the other. I couldn't look at her as I keep getting distracted by the earrings and not listening to what she was teaching!!

  5. The two halves of our faces don't quite match either - more obvious in some than others... Lovely new earrings Mel :)

    1. Something an artist knows only too well I bet Denise? I'm going to make a point of looking at people today and seeing what their faces show, thank you :)


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