
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Favourite Pieces

We all have our favourite 'go to' jewellery - pieces that we gravitate towards and could wear everyday because we really love them.

I had a customer who loved a necklace so much she bought off my neck - literally!  I was at the fabulous Fruit Bowl Craft Jam (2010) and realised in my rush to get there I hadn't put any jewellery on, so 5 minutes before meeting 'customer x' I had chosen one of my wired paua necklaces to sacrifice from sale and have as my own.  Customer x arrived and was so enamoured with it she had to have it - and you know what? - at that very same market last year she sought me out and was wearing that same piece.  Not only that but she told me she wore it every single day and moved it to the side to prove it - lo and behold she had a tan line (well kind of a rectangle!) where it sat - needless to say I was pretty delighted that I had made something she adored!

Today I thought I'd share my own favourite jewellery :). I may not wear them every single day, but they certainly make an appearance during the week...

I've had these for a couple of years - they've survived a week in the vegie garden when I took them off while weeding and forgot I had left them on the garden border - but no harm done!!  They are my favourite shade of teal :)

A gift from my husband when we 1st got together some 18 years ago - a piece he commissioned from a jeweller  who was  studying at our local technical college and happened to be the girlfriend of a friend of his.  I often wonder if Kelly continued in the jewellery field or moved into scultural art - another thing she was talented at!

Daniel chose the greenstone and worked with Kelly to design the whales tail silver cap.

I usually wear it on a silver chain but I'm thinking leather cord like this would  look great.
These are new favs and I've shown them to you before but I just love them!

Do you have favourites in your jewellery collection?

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love the green stone necklace, how pretty and what a nice man you have Mel, cheers Marie


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