
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thank you and Merry Christmas!

Pohutakawa blooming in Centennial Gardens, Napier Hill - just a hop and a skip from home!
Two things I don't think I've ever shared with you...
  • I still get a thrill like it's the 1st time from every sale I make - you may not notice it at a market (I hold my urge to clap and happy dance in to avoid looking manic!), but know that I'm doing it on the inside :).   I probably can't even put it into words adequately, but the thought that people love the pieces that I have put time and thought and heart into designing and creating enough to buy them and often chat with me about the process and inspiration behind them, is precious beyond words.  Seriously - I'm buzzed and humbled all at the same time!!  Thank you <3.
  •  I can't switch off my brain or my hands for any prolonged period of time and do nothing.  I have long been teased by friends and family for this but 'Horses for courses' I say - we're all different and some of us benefit and recharge with a complete break while others are 'active relaxers'!

    So on that note, and however you like to recharge and relax,  I would like to wish you a Fabulous Christmas and Happy and Creative New Year :D

    I'll be camping with my family and enjoying this view while I'm coming up with new ideas, where will you be?

P.S. My Felt shop will be closed from 28 December to 8 January , however my website will remain open for sales.  Please remember that my Website shipping rates change from 1 January with FREE shipping continuing for New Zealand deliveries.  Shipping to Australia will be subsidised at NZ$6 per order, and the Rest of the World will be subsidised at NZ$10 per order.


  1. We have things in common Mel - I too find relaxation in "doing" things and I get the warm fuzzies every time I make a sale no matter how small or large (especially with return customers).

    Have yourself a lovely Christmas and New Year :)

  2. Sounds familiar - and what a view! Where is that, looks also familiar.... Your work is AMAZING you know I am a big fan, I love my pieces that I have purchased from you and it's a bigger thrill to receive them in the mail for us customers!! Just received the latest package this morning and it's too beautiful to unwrap so just gonna leave it for my sister to devour on Christmas day! Will report back. Have a wonderful Christmas Mel and see you in the new year! :) xx

  3. It's Waipatiki Beach Louise. About 30 mins up the coast from Napier and in a beautiful bush clad valley which opens up to a golden sand beach with cliffs on either side that you can walk around - just gorgeous!


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