
Monday, December 12, 2011

New Brooches and a Christmas Ornament

What a lovely ornament arrived in the mail from my New Zealand Handmade Christmas Ornament swap partner Jo, I just love it and as it happened we had only just brought our tree home when the package arrived, so it was the very 1st ornament on our tree!

Also new over the weekend ... embellished paua brooches inspired by a customer looking for a particular gift for her mum.  They were lots of fun to make so I can see more of these being made! ...

1 comment:

  1. How lovely to add that handmade touch to your Christmas ornaments Mel - I confess I've done very little decorating this year (one small family tree) but really enjoy others' efforts.

    Your brooch trio looks great - I'm sure they'll be snapped up quickly!!

    Have a lovely Christmas :)


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