
Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's All On - Here, There and on Pinterest!

Still playing catch-up, I've been flat out making for the next Martinborough Fair on 2 March as well as completing custom orders.

This often means I have to take my tools and supplies with me so I can take every opportunity to make - sitting at kids cricket being the perfect example at the moment!!  I thought I'd show you my super handy tool holder bought for me by my bargain spotting friend one day.  It's just perfect for taking my projects on the go with me, holds my frequently used pliers and folds up to a hand carrying size...

Just a few recently completed pieces, I will be continuing to update my website gradually so keep an eye out!...

On a side note, I had a bit of a shock when I came in to write this post and saw a spike in my blog traffic - a bit of digging and I discovered a popular post of mine was repinned on Pinterest - not for the 1st time but this particular pinner took my post 'viral' for the day with 100 repins and numerous likes + quadrupled my blog traffic!  I love the power of Pinterest!! Thank you 'Asia M' (and I would like to know how you got 300,000 followers :) ). 

I will be offering some extra tips and tricks to follow on from the popular Viking Knit Tutorial in the next couple of weeks :D

Have a great week everyone.

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