
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Precious Gift...

I was so touched last week to be presented with this beautiful gift from my 12 year old son.  Hand made by him in his 'hard materials' class (metalwork to those from my generation!) at school, and created using pewter and a lot of elbow grease to file and sand!  The 'M' stands for Mum, or alternatively my name, Mel.

I'm wondering if I should be preparing for ... Wildflower Designs and Son :D, but seriously I was blown away by how well he did and how proud he was!

Nowhere near as exciting, but just as fun ... I've been on an earring designing buzz with a focus on swirls, one of my favourite shapes found everywhere in nature ... from ocean to forest...

Pretty pale blue freshwater pearls

Weeny moss agate rounds wire wrapped to silver swirls

Have a great rest of the week :)


  1. Wow, that 'M' necklace is pretty darn cool, especially considering your son is only 12!
    Hope all is well with you Mel. :D

    1. Thanks Emma, he's a creative soul all right :)

  2. What a beautiful and thoughtful gift! He will be totally stoked Mum loves it, and I can see why! Like mother, like son... and so on ;) It's just gorgeous! Your new earring designs are beautiful too!

    1. It was huh Louise, and I think the thing that impressed me even more than him making something for me was how animated he was about the production steps - boy it was involved!

  3. Wow! Well done to your son - a young creative soul at work!


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