
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We All Have Challenges!

Confession time... I was recently asked what I find the most challenging about jewellery making.  You ask any jewellery designer and they can tell you the trials and tribulations of learning new techniques, or designs that don't turn out the way you've pictured them, unruly wire, wrecked fingernails etc etc.

I've had quite a few challenges, all of the above and more, but without doubt, the thing I struggle with the most probably sounds quite odd .... choosing the best necklace type to go with a pendant!

Sometimes it is easy - a heavy pendant needs something structured and strong, a delicate piece - something light and lovely.  But other times I can quite easily sit there pondering - should I use  leather or chain, a neckwire, silk cord, ribbon, should I macrame or twist some cotton twine, hand make a linked chain?  I've had pendants sit on waiting on my making table for a couple of weeks and be tried on many different things before the right one jumps out at me!  And if I really can't decide?  I'll offer one or more options for the customer to decide!!

What's your biggest making challenge?

A sturdy rubber necklace for this one!

Cotton Satin here

Fine chain

Doubled Silk Cord

Doubled leather cord

Satin Rattail


  1. Sometimes my biggest challenge is inspiration in the 1st place!. There is so much that can be done with polymer clay it is sometimes hard to know where to start. Times like these I browse through my books and choose yet another new technique to try.

    1. Oh I hear ya Kate, decisions, decisions! Sometimes the sheer range of possibilities can be overwhelming!

  2. ooooo has Gillian of Mudbird seen your gorgeous wee nest with eggs? Pretty! My biggest challenge is keeping up with regular demands, and fitting in time and space to try out new ideas... that leaves me feeling pretty stagnant... Don't get me wrong, it is great to have the orders to fill, but I also need space to play... I end up feeling pretty lethargic and unmotivated then...

    1. Haha, yes Leanne, apparently Gill has seen my nest necklace - I didn't click to that one until I remembered her new logo :).
      And it is so important to have that 'play' time isn't it? Time to experiment with new ideas and challenges to keep those creative juices flowing!

  3. My biggest challenges are choosing glaze colours!... endless possibilities when I have a stack of 20-30 white dishes in front of me. And also having time. With 3 kiddies to look after, 1 full time, it only leaves after-hours. Thats the hardest thing at the moment.

    Oh and YES I do spy that lovely nest necklace :-) Love it.

    1. I can imagine how hard it is Gill - my mother was a potter from when I was 5 and it was all about brown and green glazes. I think a few potting minds were blown when the bright vibrant glazes came out!! I wonder if you go with the colours that appeal most to you or do you go by seasonal trends/customer preference? :D


I'd love your feedback, please leave me a comment...