
Monday, August 6, 2012

A Rediscovered Craft!…

This past week has been one for a rediscovered craft.  I haven’t crocheted (with yarn)since I was a teenager but after a group lesson at our regular ‘Made It Here’ crafty catch-up, well, let’s just say things got a bit obsessive!!
My projects to date (actually, one’s not mine… you’ll see in a moment Smile )…
And the crochet ‘bug’ has been officially caught in our male dominated household as well..
There was still time for jewellery making though!!…
Is there a craft you have ‘re-discovered’?


  1. My rediscovered crafts are knitting and crochet. I had mastered knitting as a child, but found crochet a bit more complex. I tried again a couple of years ago, and got the hang of it this time.

    1. Nice Rose - and interesting you found crochet harder, I'm the opposite - knitting took me ages to get the hang of :).

  2. I learnt how to crochet not that long ago when I was pregnant with my son, needless to say I got addicted FAST!!! I've made blankets, beanies, scarves, flowers, brooches, toys....the list goes on. I love to crochet!! Well done for taking it up Mel! xxx

    1. Wow Sema, you sound like me - once you start something, so many projects beckon!! :D Hmmm ... flowers, you've given me an idea for a market stall decoration!!

  3. I haven't ever been able to crochet but started having lessons last Thursday. Not sure if I will become addicted, still trying to work out a comfortable way to hold the wool & get he tension right. Quite a bit of swearing thus far shall we say!

    1. I hear ya Ann - you should've heard me when I realised I'd been doing something wrong about 20 rows after I'd done it!! Worth persevering though - just think of the cool things you'll make :)

  4. Hi Mel, my son has discovered knitting and is trying his hardest! My 5 year old is doing french knitting and has made a spiderweb over his bunk lol! It is wonderful seeing our wee ones pic up the so called "nana" crafts =)

    1. Oh how cool Prue - your son must be very co-ordinated to be knitting, fantastic!

  5. You've got your sons knitting! What an inspiration you must be. I used to knit long mis-shapen 'scarves' which didn't sort of end... at all. When I got tired of it and had forgotten how to cast off (again) I'd put it in a pile, grab a new pair of needles and start another one. ;)

    1. Oh no Louise, I won't be teaching them to knit - one needle (hook) with the crochet is quite enough for me never mind them :) One of them has a length of foundation chain going the length of two couches (I think he's aiming for the whole lounge), goodness knows what he's going to do with it!! And you just had me making imaginary hand movements to see if I can remember how to cast off knitting ... it's a bit hazy!!


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