
Monday, June 18, 2012

Product Photos with an iPhone? Surely not!

I've just had one of those 'epiphany' moments - you know the sort?  You've done things the way you've done things for a while and sort've in the back of your mind been thinking you should see if there's a better way, then you take to Google and within seconds have found the answer and can't imagine why you didn't know this before, leaving you happy dancing around the room?  Well one of those!

I usually use my Canon point and shoot camera to take product shots and it's never been quite as good as my previous camera - it's pretty good, just not quite what my previous camera was and requiring more after shot editing because we all know how important good product photos are when you're buying on-line - you want them as true to life as possible huh?

So imagine my surprise when I learnt that you could take great shots and sort out your white background using an iPhone (which I have) and the Camera+ app (which I didn't) with little other external editing required.

I wanted to test it in the least ideal place I could think of light conditions-wise - my office desk with flourescent light above + daylight bouncing off the 100m cliff adjacent to my window coming in from behind. 

As you can see, I had no light tent,  just a printed piece of paper I had turned over and placed on a manilla envelope (which led to a kind of murky beige background!)  with wierd light patterns all around it.

All I then did was lock the exposure tool of the Camera+ app on the darkest part showing on the screen and take the pic.  It was looking pretty good but just to brighten it a bit I went into the Camera+ app editing mode and selected 'night', and wallah... this is the result....

It's not my idea of perfect - reflections galore, but pretty gosh darn good considering the conditions and fact that I didn't use a tripod!  The colour of the blue agate stone is very true to life as well.

So I'm now off to experiment further using my light tent, something to stabilise my phone, and a grin from ear to ear!


  1. Great Mel, I have been fiddling around with a light tent, not with a lot of luck however, this looks great, nothing like dancing around, when something works.... cheers Marie

  2. Love the pendant!!!! I am going to have a practice with my iphone as well...

  3. Thanks Marie, Louise and Jo - product photos are sometimes hit and miss for me depending on the light etc but the Camera+ app is fantastic and will save me a lot of time :D.

    I'm also getting a special table top studio - but more about that next week!

  4. very excellent Mel! maybe I should try my phone rather than a camera, though I think the basics still apply (which I'm still learning lol!)

    1. Can't wait to show you the full story Gill (next week I hope) - I have a tabletop studio coming and will link to the tut showing the Camera+ app and how easy it is. Less buttons than my point and shoot camera with better features/result (how does that work!!!)

  5. I know exactly what you mean Mel. I have constant trouble getting decent shots of my drawings - they're invariably on white paper!! You can imagine. :) A great result!

    1. Oh of course Denise - photographing your beautiful botanical drawings must be a challenge when using a white background - do you have to wait for an overcast yet 'bright' day to photograph? Great to hear from you too :)

  6. Have only just seen this post Mel. Wow I am very impressed. I always struggle getting the white background with how I do things - guess I am not using the software correctly. Don't have an iphone but this is a pretty good photo alright with little effort. Always the plan, do more with as little effort as possible.

  7. Now days the iPhone bring new dynamic and best quality service for photograph editing and uploading.It makes our hobby truth and natural quality.


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