
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Preparations for a Market ...

Can you guess what these things have in common?.....

They're all going to be used in setting up my stall for this weekend's Martinborough Fair.  Hopefully I won't need the sand and gazebo weights or the bungee cords which are all for windproofing - but you never can be too prepared!

And the Headlamp started as a joke between some of my creative friends who are also attending the fair, then when I saw one for sale at our local emporium I had to buy it because it's actually a pretty darn good idea! Some stall holders start setting up before 4am in the dark.

I can guarantee I won't make it that early but it'll still be dark so me wearing a headlamp could be a distinct possibility!!!


  1. I'll be filling my sandbags for my weekend market! I'm setting up on asphalt... tad nervous, hope its not too windy! Good luck, have an awesome day and sell heaps xx

    1. I'm on ashphalt too Gill - and with gazebo weights we both won't have to worry! All the best for a great market to you too :)

  2. Looking forward to seeing you there Mel, I am smiling at the head lamp, cheers Marie

    1. Will be great to see your smiling face Marie :)

  3. Oh how funny Mel! I love headlamps they rock. They are very handy. I often see a bloke running in the dark (on my way to the gym where it's light and safe! haha!) with a head lamp on. You going to share the Mel-wearing-headlamp portrait? I hope so. I also hope we market together one day. I can fit all my bibliomania into my travel backpack (that has been on the Eurostar!) and I'm set up in usually under 10 minutes, to the sheer loathesome looks I get from fellow stallholders who have been there for hours. ;)

    1. Haha, yes I will share a Mel-wearing-headlamp pic - I put it out there so I'd better follow through eh Louise?!!
      And can I just say that is absolutely marvellous that you can fit your goodies into one backpack! You are on a par with Katherine of Sleep and Her Sisters who I did a market with and she had one box .... just one and yet a full table of her wonderful items once set up. Katherine calls me 'anal' when it comes to stall setting up. I was taken aback until she explained her definition of anal was someone who wanted to get everything just right and put a lot of thought and effort in to achieving it - I'll take that!!

  4. We've started using 20 litre cubes half full of water when we are on asphalt. That way they can be emptied at the end of the day and not have to be carried home full! Down side is that they are very large. Maybe sand bags would be a more compact option. Either way, it's still better than not being able to have a hand free as you are holding down your fort lol!


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