
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You Make What You Make!

I sat down one day this past weekend intending to make earrings ... ahem ... 7 rings later!!  Oh well, I figure it's always important to go with the flow and make what's in your head on the day - some of my best work has been random and unplanned!!

Do you have a 'making' plan when you sit down to create?


  1. Oh Mel, these are just gorgeous.
    I usually do have a "Making plan", sometimes it can change as I am going along, but most times it sort of stays the same, cheers Marie

    1. Thank you Marie :D. I do find if I have a list it helps and I can stick to it, probably because I like to cross things off! But if it's in my head I'm liable to go off on a tangent :)

  2. Great rings though Mel and I bet you had loads of fun making those.

    1. I sure did Diana - I got on a roll and couldn't stop!!

  3. This is so great Mel - to just sit before your materials and just go for it. I have had similar experiences. I think having a good amount of materials available, laid out before you with a clear head is a great start, and you never know where you might end up! I like to create spontaneously. Usually like cooking, if I use a recipe I balls it up... :)

  4. Gorgeous work Mel!! I often find things evolve of their own accord during the making - even drawings from life take on different aspects. It's fascinating isn't it. :)


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