
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Finding Inspiration - What Works for me...

 I'm often asked where I draw my inspiration from, and while it's totally true, it does sound a bit naff and an over-used phrase to say 'from nature'.  So I must find another way to say it that's more meaningful and better describes what triggers many designs for me!

Sometimes it's the shape of a petal

Or the whole flower!

A 'punch' of colour

Beautiful patterning and textures

A dramatic shape

 My best tip for anyone wanting some creative refreshment - take a walk around your neighbourhood, bring your camera, stop and look - you could be surprised what you find!

What are your favourite places/things that inspire you?


  1. Hi Mel, You have described your inspiration beautifully here and I love the way you have diplayed the photos. I also love to see the combination of colours in a feather or a rock or the shapes of a cloud formation. Have fun with your camera! bye for now Jane

    1. And I'm loving learning about your very natural jewellery and what inspires you Jane :)

  2. Loving your inspiration Mel. It's good to get out and look around you, so many folk walk around looking down at the ground out of sheer habit or stress thinking... looking about and up is wonderful. Inhaling and breathing life into your being and brain. This heightens our senses, and opens channels for creativity - I believe. Didn't mean to go all deep on you there. ;)

    1. You're so insightful Louise - and I do believe you hit it right on the head! Sometimes you have to look around to really 'see' :)

  3. Gorgeous pics Mel.
    I do like that 'dramatic shape' tree, it's brilliant. And being inspired by nature isn't naff at all - it's all around us and I'm sure it has inspired the majority of creative thoughts :-)

    1. It was super cool huh Gill? - it was the flower stem of a succulent believe it or not. I'm not botanist but I'm sure succulent is the right description - 'thing that looked like it would survive in harsh environments' anyway!

  4. Beautiful photos! I was about to say I like the first one best...but now I can't decide. I like them all! Such magical, rich colour!


I'd love your feedback, please leave me a comment...