
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Making New from Old - A Paua Brooch Rework Project

I have a friend who is moving across the Tasman in a couple of weeks time :(    

At a get-together at the weekend she handed me this absolutely gorgeous brooch she had inherited and which is likely decades old and asked me if I could re-work it into something she would wear, ie a necklace.
It is a truly beautiful natural (ie not laminated) piece of paua that has been highly polished on the front - at 1st I thought it might have been lacquered such is it's shine, but on closer inspection I think it has just been polished - probably by hand with a polishing wheel.
To work with a piece with history like this is a real honour, and my brief is quite broad - although with a leaning to a needlelace style of wire weaving, so I have a pretty good idea what I'm going to do!
Step one will be to remove the brooch back without damaging the shell... now THIS is making me nervous! I'll show you progress as I go :)


  1. What a fantastic opportunity Mel! Look forward to seeing the result, I'm sure it'll be fab :-)

    1. Thanks Gill :) I was right to be nervous about taking the brooch back off - it was riveted on with teeny weeny rivets!! Thankfully to shell has survived me de-riveting them :)

  2. Thank you so much for taking it on. It would make me truly nervous too:) Can't wait to see what you come up with - but not time pressure! I am willing to wait til you have time:)


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