
Friday, November 4, 2011

Just a Minute - October ...

October ­- tick.  I've been..

Listening to...

Foo Fighters in preparation for their concert in Auckland on 13 December ... YAY, can't wait!  Which reminds me we have tickets and splurged on flights, but I haven't organised accommodation - need to do that.


No alcohol.  Spur of the moment decision, trying it for a month to see if I can shift a couple of pounds.  Going to miss a wine or two on a Friday and Saturday but oh well :)


Rugby World Cup 2011 - was there anything else on TV in October?!


Mini breaks.  We had an awesome long weekend camping at a beach recently, nothing like relaxing your routines to recharge the batteries :)


New wire work techniques - teaching myself which has reminded me that I'm not a good teacher, or a patient learner!

I was accepted to Fruit Bowl Craft Jam at the Hastings Opera House on 3 and 4 December so will be busy creating and making for this fabulous event.

Fruit Bowl Craft Jam 2010
Well that was a round up of my happenings for this month. Don't forget to pop a comment on this post if you decide to do your own ‘Just a Minute …’ post - I'd love to read yours :).


  1. Sounds like you had a fun October! Love the pic's :-)

  2. Lovely upbeat post Mel - a delight to read. To follow the ongoing development of your pieces is wonderful. All credit to you!!

    Have a great Sunday :)

  3. I'm doing the alcohol thing too - not sure if I'll go all month :-D
    Love the Foo Fighters! I went last time they came, you're sure to have a great time.

  4. Oh thank you Denise - I smiled and blushed a little reading your comment :)

    Ah Gill - good to know we're in it together! Week one almost done and I've survived, my big challenge will be this Friday at my youngest son's schools Food and Wine Festival! I have signed up to volunteer on the curry stall so that should keep me occupied!!


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