
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just A Minute ... September

September, tick, done! This last month has seen me...

Listening to...

Two boys learning guitar :)


Green tea with ginger and lemon (thanks for the recommendation Bobbie) - lovely.


RWC2011. And we learnt the history of the 'Ka mate' Haka via a documentary before a game just the other day - really, really interesting to discover it originated from maori chief Te Rauparaha and how it came to be adopted by NZ Rugby.


Warmer weather, growing vegies, the buzz around town and the country with so many visitors here for the Rugby World Cup, and the inspiration I'm getting from creative friends and their passion for what they do.

Yay! Container planting is a success, now I know it's my vegie garden with the problem and not me! 


More Te Reo for my family via Scotty Morrison (newsreader from Te Karere, husband of tv presenter Stacey Daniels) and his new book. 


New and improved ways of dealing with the bane of my life at outdoor markets .... wind!  I've gone up in height with the shelving and added an extra unit and now use stones from the beach behind my stands made from card to keep them from toppling over.  Better .... but still more work required!

'scuse my finger in this pic - maybe I need to plan some photography lessons too!

Well that was a round up of my happenings for this month. Don't forget to pop a comment on this post if you decide to do your own ‘Just a Minute …’ post - I'd love to read yours :).


  1. What a lovely read Mel, thanks for sharing your time with us. And thank you for the insight into the Haka! It's the best bit of the game I reckon. ;D

  2. The container planting looks impressive, a reminder to get my veggie garden started! Love your table too, it looks awesome!


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