Monday, August 29, 2011

Just a Minute - August...

Paua drilling setup.

Drilled Paua!
 So long August, you sped by! This last month has seen me...

Listening to...

The dawn chorus .. with the mornings getting lighter earlier the birds outside our bedroom window are singing their hearts out - not a bad way to wake up!


I need a herbal tea recommendation - anyone?


Just the most inspiring documentary on Maori TV at the weekend - featuring a guy from my work and his training partner (my son's school friend's dad) and their journey to lose weight and compete in the Iron Maori 2010.   What an amazing event with organisers supporting and encouraging all types to have a go - Awesome!


I don't usually like to go on about my gluten free status (I'm a coeliac), but this is almost a compulsory public service announcement ... OMG, I have come across the BEST gluten free bread EVER!  Bless you Vogels for making a white bread, soy and linseed, and six seed that you can actually use in a sandwich without toasting and tastes so good I had to check the packet 3 times to make sure it actually was gluten free.  No kidding - it is fantastic!   While I'm on the GF buzz - Buonotempo GF Pasta is another August find which rocks :)


Trying out some new options for shell disk rings featuring wire-wrapping and pearl clusters - I love them, I hope my customers will too.  I'll show you a sneek peak next week :)


Today I'm shooting over to my friend, Ingrid of Silverworks home after work to 'whip up' some windbreak clear curtains to use at a regular market we both attend.  It's in an outdoor courtyard where the wind and rain can suddenly swirl through and we thought we'd be prepared for future events!

For the rest of the month I have lots of delicious stones I'm working on wire-wrapping in different ways - lots of coiling, weaving and 'knotting' going on here!

I'm attending the annual Porangahau Spring Fair @ Chapelwick Estate, Central Hawkes Bay late Sept (details will follow :)  )

Oh, and there's a fabulous event being organised by Jo & Jess of  'Fruit Bowl Craft Jam' fame.  'Pull the Wool' is going to be the ultimate Stitch and Bitch session at the Opera Kitchen on 13 September starting at 6pm with a showing of the Indie Art and Craft film Handmade Nation.  I'll be bringing my needles and wire (yes wire - it can even be knitted!!).

Looking forward to not driving to markets in this!

Well that was a round up of my happenings for this month. Don't forget to pop a comment on this post if you decide to do your own ‘Just a Minute …’ post - I'd love to read yours :).

Mel x


  1. I'm not one to drink herbal teas but recently I have taken a liking to green tea with ginger and lemon. Very refreshing and good for digestion.

  2. Ooh, that's good to hear about the Vogel's bread. The one time I've needed to buy GF bread since it come out there wasn't any on the shelf. I did pick up a $1 off voucher instead though, so will try some soon!

  3. Thanks Bobbie - I will be trying it!

    I'd love to know what you think of the Vogels Rose. What got me was you can prod it and it behaves like normal bread, ie, it bounces back!! It is expensive though so great you have a voucher :)


I'd love your feedback, please leave me a comment...


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